Mon 27 Jan
NEW to your city {{{{{{Big Booty }}}}}}}}Small waist cute in the face HOT! - 25
(Cleveland, West side near 117)
Tall & slim-tattoed queen -specials NOW 🌙⭐ come by & PLAY !💰😍 - 18
(Baton Rouge, first 5callers 50$for 30mins specials)
★•] LOOKS•★• GOOD•★• Feels •❤• EVEN •❤• Better [•★•] — BETTeR THAN HER⇧AnD HER⇩ - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Andover iNcALL)) OUTSurrounding area)
^^^^^^^ Outcall Only 408-416-3877 ****** Sexy & Busty New Asian Girl Lucy ^^^^^^* - 22
(City of San Jose, East Bay, Oakland, Outcall Only, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay)
**LOOk** Last Day in Tampa bay!!! MS KATE LEWENSKY!!! 229 460 7749! 50 hug spl - 24
(Hillsborough Co, 275/USF/N.TAMPA 125 local outcall spl)
Your -:¦:- Dirty -:¦:- Little -:¦:- Secret -:¦:- - 21
(In calls & Out calls Only To your Hotel Tunica Welcome)
Twins ⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗 LOVELY ★ ASIAN ★ WORKING★ INCALL🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗 YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL ⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽🚗⚽ - 23
(east sycamore cordova Twins, Memphis)
▩ _Y_E_S __ Y_O_U __ C_A_N __ & __ Y_O_U __ W_I_L_L __ L_O_V_E __ I_T __ ▩ Specials! - 21
Hey babe 👋I'm Lucky🍀 I'm back & Ready 4 you💦 Rare Breed ready to Play😊East Ba Incalls & OutCalls - 22
(East Bay, East Bay in calls & outcalls, Hayward)
*********** WOW !! Spec 30min = 80 roses ( . Y . ) private home ************** - 39
Giselle👅👄💦 Curvy Chocolate Sensation 💦 🍫🍬🍭💦 New to the Area 17274786772 - 24
(St Petersburg fl, Tampa)
RESPECTFUL Gentlemen ONLY💋** outcall SPeCiaLS** [**EGyPTiaN* *sexi* *CLaSSY**] - 23
(downtown nashville airport hermitage, Nashville)
💄💄💄How Many Licks Does It take for you to Explode $40😚!901/661/6278💄💄💄 - 35
(Memphis, midtown Memphis tn ✔No Outcalls✔)
❄Its 10 Degrees😨😨 Outside & 🔥🔥100 Degrees🔥🔥 Inside Of Me . ߔ🔥🔥ԥLet Me Warm You Up Baby 😙😙 - 21
(Memphis, Memphis 9017369407)
H🍯N❄Y🐰 outcall/incall 100/200* excellent reviews/highly recommended 901*409*9749 - 24
(east Memphis, Memphis)
100%REAL 100% PUERTO RICAN..will do anything you like! *PROFFESSIONAL PICS call me! 786-768-4246 - 22
*•-:¦:-•* From Soft Slow Touches 2 Fierce Sweaty Clutches * •-:¦:-• * New Pics ★ Reviewed & Ready ★ - 24
(Memphis, Memphis n surrounding incall special)
EXÂCL¥ ; WH ° _U_ ÑÐ ❤ NÂUGHT¥ ❤ T@§T¥ TR@T RÂÐ TÕ §ÂTi§F¥ ¥OU - 25
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall)
💕DROP💄 dead 👑 GORGEOUS💎 latina 💋 READY TO PLAY 👅💦 call now ‼️⭐️ MEMPHiS iNCALL‼️ - 23
(Memphis, ✔️ MEMPHiS iNCALL & OUTCALL✔️)
Slow, Sensual, Intense Relief by HORNY Hot MILF;) Cum to Me When You're HARD & Need a Quick Escape:) - 28
(south austin)
E X O T I C __ P U E R T O __ R I C A N __ B E T T E R __ T H A N __ T H E __ R E S T * * CALL NOW** - 21
****Double the Pleasure *****Double the Fun! ***** Hottest Sisters in Memphis! - 22
🎈🎆 BRAND new ViDEO 💻 FLEXiBLE petite BEAUTiFUL Video Vixen 📲 213 787 4792 🎀🎆 - 20
(Memphis, east memphis incall & I drive to HOMES)
💞💘⇖✘⇗ 🎀💞BLONDE BOMBSHELL ⚡ ⚡100% Real And Recent Pics - 24
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Johnson City, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, Your place or Mine)
***Tantalizing Tittillating Tuesday Treat***.Come & Relax... Sixty Dollar Specials..24/7 - 23
(West Valley, Peoria)
YOu want this. Sweet girl incall 150hr24/7 Game on! 7274oo8273 - 24
(Pinellas Co, St Pete 4th & Gandy area)
Sexy Mature Classy Upscale BBW ~ Hometown Girl next door! ~ Incalls & Outcalls - 42
(Tulsa, Tulsa ~ Outcalls)
$80 SPECIAL 💯Saisfaction Guaranteed💯~ Soft Sexy Curves for your Enjoyment💋☎702-980-3920☎ - 35
(Memphis, Memphis Airport Area)
BEST DEAL ON BACKPAGE! ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ... ... . . . ... . ..
(Tampa--clean, fresh, private incall!)
Need a get away?! Two beautiful girls availble. Call us!! (si habla espanol) - 20
(Austin, Austin Area)
The Lovely "Autumn" by www. LeeErotica. com - Private Models - Choose the 1 that you Like Best! - 20
(Lee & Collier)
💕💕Natural 🌹 Irish 🌹 Red 🌹 Head 🌹 Wants 👄 To 👄 Rock 👄 Your 👄 World 👄 Northwest 👄 Atx 💕💕 - 30
(Austin, North, Northwest Austin Airport)
R U Fiesty ..Its Friday...CμM Let Out Some Stress And Leave Here Relaxed And Ready For The Weekend!. - 30
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Zephyrhills,Wesley Chapel,Dade City)
N A T I V E A M E R I C A N ^ __ T H I C K ___ &____ J U I C Y * B ( B ) W - 19
(27th Ave & Union Hills)
*** MARIA** INCALL Private residence ** OUTCALL to beaches ***** - 40
(Beaches, Pinellas County, Pinellas Co, Tampa)